Captain Anthony Robert Starling Lark

Trevor Smith

David Moore
General Secretary
Started Coastwatch in 2003 as a trainee watchkeeper at Pakefield Coastwatch Station in Lowestoft Suffolk after early retirement from the Electrical Industry, firstly with Atlas Lighting Ltd then named Thorn Lighting Industries, then General Electric of the USA in the Lighting Division Spent 20 years as a Commissioner in Scouting and 10 years in St John Ambulance in Hertfordshire, In 2009 became webmaster for The Seasafety Group, thereafter became Secretary to the Trustees of the Group, then in 2018 when the Group became an an Association I became its General Secretary responsible for its day to day-business of the group

Robert MacDonald
Website Support
Robert volunteered to join The Sea Safety Group in 2019 as a replacement for Geoff Withers who sadly passed away. Robert is a retired Technical Support Consultant with over 40 years experience in the computer industry and had been a Microsoft Certified Professional for over 16 years. He is also a Senior Watchkeeper at the St. Monans Coastwatch station and recently became CPR Champion in the Glasgow area with St. John Scotland. He is also a Goodsam volunteer with The Scottish Ambulance Service fo Cardiac responder.